Generalizing this theme for usage
  • Delete all posts
  • Update the Site Logo below (favicon, square-based)
  • Empty Media Library, besides the Site Logo you just uploaded
    • This will break the image galleries below
  • Delete boilerplate SCSS in main.scss (keep all the rest)
  • Disable any default Block Variants this brand doesn’t use
  • Add in per-design Block Styles and Variants
Animation Primer & Library

Animations are managed using both an animated element, and its parent. The parent receives a class named .has-animation, which works in tandem with some JavaScript code. That code runs on page load, and then every time the page is scrolled.

Once an element has been detected as scrolled into view, the parent is appended an additional class, named .has-been-revealed. With minimal exceptions, animations are only triggered on elements with a specific animation class, that is the child of an element bearing both the classes .has-animation and .has-been-revealed.

Basic Animations


Like the above animations, leverages the class .has-animation but also the class (on parent still) of .has-image-animation.

Advanced Animations

Tilted Text Animation:

  • As seen on Astute Homepage
  • Limited as it does not flow like real text — text is grouped by line, then sub-grouped by word

Retro Machinery Animation:

  • As seen on Astute 404
  • Static layer overlaid with two reels, underlaid by two additional reels through transparencies in main layer

Scroll-based Rings:

  • As seen on Astute Services
  • Outermost ring stays static
  • Other two rings rotate with scroll up/down
    • Middle ring rotates clockwise/counterclockwise
    • Innermost ring rotates counterclockwise/clockwise

Scroll-based Globe:

  • As seen on KSG Homepage
  • Scroll-based triggers to paginate text alongside animation
  • Most complexity in terms of planning for active and idle states of globe
SCSS Architecture

| - meta.scss            # WP Header Comments for style meta
|– utils/                # Misc stuff like variables, helper classes, functions, mix-ins, and animation stuff
|   |– _variables.scss   # Sass Variables
|   |– _functions.scss   # Sass Functions
|   |– _mixins.scss      # Sass Mixins
|   |– _helpers.scss     # Class & placeholders helpers
|   |–  animations.scss  # Class & placeholders helpers
|– base/                 # Boilerplate, typography, normalizing -- shouldn't need edits
|   |–  normalize.scss   # Reset/normalize
|   |– _typography.scss  # Typography rules
|   ...                  # Etc…
|– layout/               # Globals, grid system, forms, etc.
|   |– _navigation.scss  # Navigation
|   |– _header.scss      # Header
|   |– _footer.scss      # Footer
|   |– _forms.scss       # Forms
|   ...                  # Etc…
|– components/           # Styles specific to widgets -- overrides for ACF Blocks go here
|   |– _buttons.scss     # Buttons -- includes default permutations
|   |– _carousel.scss    # Carousel
|   |– _cover.scss       # Cover
|   |– _dropdown.scss    # Dropdown
|   ...                  # Etc…
|– sections/             # Styles specific to pages
|   |– _home.scss        # Home specific styles
|   |– _contact.scss     # Contact specific styles
|   ...                  # Etc…
| – main.scss            # Primary Sass file -- only @import and comments in here

Anatomy of a Style Guide

Font Faces, Weights, Styles, Sizes

  • List out all font families used
  • List out all font weights used in those families
  • Styles refers to normal vs. italics, so just call out if any fonts should also have their italics variant registered (if applicable, not off font families offer italics)
  • All font sizes used, even one-offs like copyright text only used in a single place

Each Unique Text Element Instance

  • Paragraphs, Headings, List Items
  • Any permutations of those items
    • One-off text variants are still Paragraphs like “Label” or whatnot
    • Additional styles for semantic headings, such as if the H1 on Homepage differs from how an H1 would look on a Blog Post
    • Unordered list variants besides default bullet (see top level of this list)
    • Ordered list variants (number, letter, Roman num, etc.), if applicable

Other Relevant Elements

  • Callout any element with more than one permutation
    • Buttons, specifically color changes and functionality such as play buttons
    • Block Quotes

Paragraphs & Text Variants

This is normal text.

This is some fancy variant.

This is some other fancy variant


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

List Styles

  • This is an
  • unordered list
  • using default bullets
  1. This is an
  2. ordered list
  3. using numbers

ACF Custom Blocks /acf-blocks/

Blog Category Filter and API Blog Listing (two blocks)

Category block doesn’t work without the API Blog Listing block.

Breadcrumb (Dynamic)

Only works if the page has a parent page, otherwise it assumes you wanna go 🏠. Includes plain, chevron, and arrow (for now, and counting).

Flex Divider (Colorable)

Vertical line on desktop; horizontal line on mobile. There is no native vertical line in HTML, but there is for horizontal.

Hamburger Toggle (Colorable)

Must be implemented in conjunction with the meganav (see header).

Expanding Bio

Line height will look wonky pending your brand choice, will need to be refined on a per-site basis (quick and easy to do that, though).

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FAQ Items (w/ Category Filter)

Filter does not render on mobile.


Category One

Category Two

Category One

Example Item One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sodales, nulla vel tristique euismod, orci erat laoreet massa, vitae accumsan augue tellus aliquet tortor. Mauris ante tortor, varius nec posuere vitae, tincidunt at tortor. Sed malesuada elementum sollicitudin. Quisque ornare neque quis orci laoreet egestas eu at justo. Vestibulum a congue nunc. Nulla ultricies tortor vel nunc rutrum scelerisque. Sed accumsan aliquet ex sit amet congue. Phasellus eu nibh ipsum. Nunc dapibus, odio sit amet tempus interdum, purus quam accumsan turpis, nec posuere metus elit vitae ipsum. Praesent non lorem id tellus pretium lacinia. Nunc porta lectus mi, eu ornare ipsum facilisis a. Nam et eros aliquet, tristique lorem ac, congue nisi. Sed faucibus ornare diam sed ultrices. Suspendisse quis blandit orci. Phasellus dictum dictum sapien eget tempus. Curabitur ut vestibulum erat.

Example Item One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sodales, nulla vel tristique euismod, orci erat laoreet massa, vitae accumsan augue tellus aliquet tortor. Mauris ante tortor, varius nec posuere vitae, tincidunt at tortor. Sed malesuada elementum sollicitudin. Quisque ornare neque quis orci laoreet egestas eu at justo. Vestibulum a congue nunc. Nulla ultricies tortor vel nunc rutrum scelerisque. Sed accumsan aliquet ex sit amet congue. Phasellus eu nibh ipsum. Nunc dapibus, odio sit amet tempus interdum, purus quam accumsan turpis, nec posuere metus elit vitae ipsum. Praesent non lorem id tellus pretium lacinia. Nunc porta lectus mi, eu ornare ipsum facilisis a. Nam et eros aliquet, tristique lorem ac, congue nisi. Sed faucibus ornare diam sed ultrices. Suspendisse quis blandit orci. Phasellus dictum dictum sapien eget tempus. Curabitur ut vestibulum erat.

Category Two

Example Item Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sodales, nulla vel tristique euismod, orci erat laoreet massa, vitae accumsan augue tellus aliquet tortor. Mauris ante tortor, varius nec posuere vitae, tincidunt at tortor. Sed malesuada elementum sollicitudin. Quisque ornare neque quis orci laoreet egestas eu at justo. Vestibulum a congue nunc. Nulla ultricies tortor vel nunc rutrum scelerisque. Sed accumsan aliquet ex sit amet congue. Phasellus eu nibh ipsum. Nunc dapibus, odio sit amet tempus interdum, purus quam accumsan turpis, nec posuere metus elit vitae ipsum. Praesent non lorem id tellus pretium lacinia. Nunc porta lectus mi, eu ornare ipsum facilisis a. Nam et eros aliquet, tristique lorem ac, congue nisi. Sed faucibus ornare diam sed ultrices. Suspendisse quis blandit orci. Phasellus dictum dictum sapien eget tempus. Curabitur ut vestibulum erat.

Example Item Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sodales, nulla vel tristique euismod, orci erat laoreet massa, vitae accumsan augue tellus aliquet tortor. Mauris ante tortor, varius nec posuere vitae, tincidunt at tortor. Sed malesuada elementum sollicitudin. Quisque ornare neque quis orci laoreet egestas eu at justo. Vestibulum a congue nunc. Nulla ultricies tortor vel nunc rutrum scelerisque. Sed accumsan aliquet ex sit amet congue. Phasellus eu nibh ipsum. Nunc dapibus, odio sit amet tempus interdum, purus quam accumsan turpis, nec posuere metus elit vitae ipsum. Praesent non lorem id tellus pretium lacinia. Nunc porta lectus mi, eu ornare ipsum facilisis a. Nam et eros aliquet, tristique lorem ac, congue nisi. Sed faucibus ornare diam sed ultrices. Suspendisse quis blandit orci. Phasellus dictum dictum sapien eget tempus. Curabitur ut vestibulum erat.

“Details” Items (FAQ but w/o Filter)

Example Category

Example Item

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sodales, nulla vel tristique euismod, orci erat laoreet massa, vitae accumsan augue tellus aliquet tortor. Mauris ante tortor, varius nec posuere vitae, tincidunt at tortor. Sed malesuada elementum sollicitudin. Quisque ornare neque quis orci laoreet egestas eu at justo. Vestibulum a congue nunc. Nulla ultricies tortor vel nunc rutrum scelerisque. Sed accumsan aliquet ex sit amet congue. Phasellus eu nibh ipsum. Nunc dapibus, odio sit amet tempus interdum, purus quam accumsan turpis, nec posuere metus elit vitae ipsum. Praesent non lorem id tellus pretium lacinia. Nunc porta lectus mi, eu ornare ipsum facilisis a. Nam et eros aliquet, tristique lorem ac, congue nisi. Sed faucibus ornare diam sed ultrices. Suspendisse quis blandit orci. Phasellus dictum dictum sapien eget tempus. Curabitur ut vestibulum erat.

Example Item

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sodales, nulla vel tristique euismod, orci erat laoreet massa, vitae accumsan augue tellus aliquet tortor. Mauris ante tortor, varius nec posuere vitae, tincidunt at tortor. Sed malesuada elementum sollicitudin. Quisque ornare neque quis orci laoreet egestas eu at justo. Vestibulum a congue nunc. Nulla ultricies tortor vel nunc rutrum scelerisque. Sed accumsan aliquet ex sit amet congue. Phasellus eu nibh ipsum. Nunc dapibus, odio sit amet tempus interdum, purus quam accumsan turpis, nec posuere metus elit vitae ipsum. Praesent non lorem id tellus pretium lacinia. Nunc porta lectus mi, eu ornare ipsum facilisis a. Nam et eros aliquet, tristique lorem ac, congue nisi. Sed faucibus ornare diam sed ultrices. Suspendisse quis blandit orci. Phasellus dictum dictum sapien eget tempus. Curabitur ut vestibulum erat.

Search Results (Colorable)

Dynamically shows results from search query when added to a “Search” Gutenberg template. If not part of that template, will render a list of all pages.

The Meadows Expands Access to Care with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona

PHOENIX, Dec. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Meadows Behavioral Healthcare is proud to announce that effective Jan. 1, 2025, all of its inpatient treatment centers in Arizona will be in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona (BCBSAZ). This groundbreaking partnership, which includes a value-based agreement, marks a significant milestone in the effort to provide greater access to high-quality mental health care […]

Meadows Behavioral Healthcare Appoints Marina Rodina as Senior Vice President of Business Development

WICKENBURG, Ariz., Dec. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Meadows Behavioral Healthcare (MBH), a leader in trauma, addiction, and mental health treatment, is proud to announce the appointment of Marina Rodina as its new Senior Vice President of Business Development. Marina, an accomplished executive with over two decades of experience in sales and behavioral healthcare leadership, will play a pivotal role in […]

MBH on Arizona’s Family | Coping With Eating Disorders During the Holidays

The holiday season can be especially difficult for those battling eating disorders. With the emphasis on food, gatherings, and comments about appearances, triggers are everywhere, making this time of year overwhelming. Dr. Jerry Law, Executive Director of The Meadows, and former patient Daria Alvarez, joined Arizona’s Family 3TV to discuss: Watch the Arizona Family’s Segment:

MBH on Arizona’s Family | Coping With Holiday Grief and Loss

Grief can feel especially heavy during the holidays, a season meant for joy and togetherness. Jaime Vinck, MC, LPC, President of Meadows Behavioral Healthcare, joined Arizona’s Family to share compassionate, practical strategies for coping with loss during this challenging time. With both professional expertise and personal experience navigating grief, Jaime offers meaningful ways to honor […]

Arizonans struggling with addiction: Don’t delay treatment because of the holidays

Op-Ed Featured in The Daily Independent The holiday season can magnify stress and make addiction or mental health struggles feel even heavier. While it’s easy to delay treatment with excuses like “after the holidays,” waiting only continues a painful cycle. Starting recovery now can be the greatest gift you give yourself and those who love […]

Dr. Jerry Law on The Mike Broomhead Show

Dr. Jerry Law, D. Min., CMAT, CSAT, CIP, and Group Executive Director for The Meadows and The Meadows Seasons, joined The Mike Broomhead Show to share his expert advice on navigating holiday parties while dealing with substance use challenges. With decades of experience helping individuals and families heal from addiction and behavioral health issues, Dr. […]

Prioritize Your Health This Holiday Season

The Meadows’ Legacy Discount to Support Those In Need For over 45 years, The Meadows has been a trusted leader in mental health and recovery, helping individuals heal from emotional trauma, addiction, eating disorders, and co-occurring conditions. Our personalized, evidence-based treatment empowers you to break free from painful patterns and create a foundation for lasting […]


Notice of Privacy Practices THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION.  PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. Meadows Behavioral Healthcare and all its associates at all locations value you as a patient and respects your right to privacy.  We pledge our commitment to […]

Privacy Policy

This is the Data Protection Policy, or Privacy and Cookie Policy if you are in the U.S., for The Meadows website (“The Meadows”). Your privacy is very important to us and we are committed to protecting it. We understand that you need to be in control of your personal data. This Policy explains the way […]

MBH on Arizona’s Family | Navigating Difficult Conversations at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude and connection, but it can also bring tricky conversations to the table. Whitney Howzell, Ph.D., LCSW-S, M.Ed., MPH, CSAT-S, joined Arizona’s Family to share practical tips for managing political and personal disagreements during the holidays. Her insights help keep the focus on harmony and connection instead of conflict. Healthy […]

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