Publishers Weekly Reviews Jon Bradshaw's Book "Reclaiming Virtue" - The Meadows

Publishers Weekly Reviews John Bradshaw’s book “Reclaiming Virtue”

John Bradshaw is a Senior Fellow of The Meadows Addiction Treatment Center. His newest book, “Reclaiming Virtue: How We Can Develop the Moral Intelligence to Do the Right Thing at the Right Time for the Right Reason,” recently had a positive review from Publishers Weekly:

Reclaiming Virtue: How We Can Develop the Moral Intelligence to Do the Right Thing at the Right Time for the Right Reason John Bradshaw. Bantam, $26 (528p) ISBN 978-0-553-09592-0

Bestselling recovery expert and motivational speaker Bradshaw (Family Secrets), presents an in-depth survey of human behavior from many angles in a probing exploration of our inner guidance system. Beginning with “magnificent moral moments” (a black girl integrating a school smiles at a woman who spat at her), he interweaves his own tangled life experiences: he obtained advanced degrees in theology and philosophy, yet lost jobs after alcoholic binges even after a 12-step recovery program; he still felt like he was “on the outside of life looking in” and set out to change the direction of his life. Inviting the reader to join him on his “personal journey to make sense out of the complexities and ambiguities of the moral/ethical order,” Bradshaw divides his book into three potent and compelling sections: part one defines the nature of moral intelligence; the second section examines how to develop that intelligence. In the final pages, he outlines family goals and offers ways for readers to develop their children’s moral intelligence. Bradshaw followers and many first-time readers will find this an extremely effective and valuable guide. (Apr. 28)