Theresa had reached a point in her life when she felt she was in a downward spiral. Her therapist recommended that she go through the Survivors I workshop at The Meadows, a five-day intensive that addresses childhood trauma. It prompted her to make a lot of positive changes in her life immediately.
As she gained more and more personal insights into her past, she went back to do more customized and focused healing through Survivors II, which focuses on overcoming self-defeating behaviors, and Journey of a Woman’s Heart: Finding True Intimacy, which helps women address unhealthy sexual patterns.
Theresa says that the workshops helped her to put together all the puzzle pieces from her life. Once she understood her past behaviors, she was able to build a better future.
The new Rio Retreat Center at the Meadows now hosts the workshops that Theresa attended, along with many others. Register before June 30, 2016, and receive a 25 percent discount on the cost of registration. Call 800.244.4949.