“I have always believed, and I still believe that whatever good fortune or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something else.”rn -Hermann Hessern
Just as I wear a mask to protect myself and others from an airborne virus, I will take daily steps to care for my mental health knowing that it too is airborne. My mental health is constantly circulating through my environment. I “shed” it. I am also susceptible to the mental health of those near me and even those I encounter through media of all kinds. Today I will resolve to take a disciplined approach to caring for my own mental state, knowing that it is one of the greatest gifts that I can give to myself, those I love, and my community. I will take responsibility for my emotional and psychological immunity.

Some of the daily strategies that I will adopt are:
- I will maintain an attitude of gratitude and appreciation for what is good in my life. This too is contagious.
- I will adopt health-giving practices such as daily exercise, eating a healthy diet, and getting out into nature.
- I will monitor my thoughts, recognizing that the thoughts that I think impact my body, my mind, and my mood.
- I will connect with others, I will not isolate and feed my own sense of terminal uniqueness, I will be part of something greater than me.
- I will develop a sense of meaning and purpose beyond myself, I will pursue some form of faith, meditative practice, presence, or communing. I will care for my soul.
- I will take responsibility for my own state of anxiety. I will breathe, calm myself down, and seek quiet and contemplation.
Starting today, I will monitor my emotional “viral load” and I will develop daily routines that nurture my resilience and strength. And I will open my heart daily to appreciation and joy, knowing that it is the best medicine for me, my family, my community, and my world.