Celebrating Recovery

Marking Recovery Month 2020 at The Meadows

Recovery Month logoFor more than three decades, we’ve been celebrating Recovery Month, an important national observance introduced by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). All these years later, the goal is the same: increasing awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders while also celebrating the people who get up each morning and bravely continue the journey of recovery.

Those who have struggled with drug or alcohol addiction are in good company. Roughly 19.7 million adults in the US experienced a substance use disorder in 2017, according to The National Survey on Drug Use. And while it’s difficult to get an accurate headcount of all of those in active recovery at any one time, survey data released in 2012 by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids showed that 23.5 million adults living in the US once had a drug or alcohol program but no longer do. In other words, 10% of American adults consider themselves to be in recovery from drug or alcohol abuse.

Approximately 11.4 million Americans 12 or older in the US misused opioids in 2017. (The National Survey on Drug Use)

At Meadows Behavioral Healthcare, we believe that every month is Recovery Month, but we appreciate having time set aside in the calendar to highlight both the individual victories and the collective strides made during the past year. It’s always our goal to educate both individuals and treatment professionals, sharing the expertise of our staff and our amazing Senior Fellows. We also work hard to raise awareness about mental health and substance use disorders as well as their underlying causes. And year-round our talented treatment teams address addiction, alcoholism, trauma, eating disorders, sex addiction, and a range of co-occurring disorders, helping people find freedom and lasting recovery.

So, while it may be business as usual for Meadows Behavioral Healthcare, we couldn’t agree more that it’s important to set aside time to raise awareness and educate, to share the latest information, to motivate the public, to pass along resources, to celebrate individual recovery stories, and to help those who may be struggling and not know where to turn.

Some Sobering Addictions Facts:

  • Roughly 19.7 million adults in the US experienced a substance use disorder. In 2017. (The National Survey on Drug Use)
  • Approximately 11.4 million Americans 12 or older in the US misused opioids in 2017. (The National Survey on Drug Use)
  • Up to 50% of individuals with eating disorders misused alcohol or illicit drugs, a rate five times higher than the general population. (National Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders)
  • Cocaine is on the rise in American communities with approximately 1 million people 12 or older using cocaine for the first time in 2017. (The National Survey on Drug Use)
  • Up to 35% of individuals who abused or were dependent on alcohol or drugs have also had an eating disorder. (National Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders)
  • Sexual addiction-related disorders range from 3 to 6% of the population. While largely misunderstood, the condition causes serious psychosocial problems for sufferers. (National Institutes of Health)

Now in its 31st year, Recovery Month 2020’s focus is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections.” Be sure to follow Meadows Behavioral Healthcare on our various social media channels for recovery-related resources, information, and inspiration throughout the month. For more on Recovery Month, visit recoverymonth.gov.