Facing a National Emergency with the Opioid Crisis The Meadows

Facing A National Emergency with the Opioid Crisis

You may have recently heard the news that on Thursday, President Trump said he was preparing to officially declare the United States’ worsening epidemic of opioid overdoses as a national emergency.

“The opioid crisis is an emergency, and I’m saying officially right now it is an emergency,” Mr. Trump told reporters before a security briefing in Bedminster, N.J. “It’s a national emergency.”

According to a recent study on opioid addiction rates – including both legal prescription drugs like oxycodone and hydrocodone, as well as illicit drugs – continue to skyrocket, yet very few sufferers are seeking treatment. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that 91 people die every day from an opioid overdose. In 2015, more than 33,000 lives were lost to opioids. In fact, drug overdoses – most of them from opioids – are killing more people than guns or car accidents.

The nation’s opioid epidemic reflects a complex set of circumstances, this includes social, cultural, biological and economic factors that make a person vulnerable to the addictive escape of pain pills. It’s also not limited to one demographic, as both men and women are suffering (and overdosing) in equal measure. What is imperative now, is that those suffering from addiction seek help.

The Meadows Is The Answer

The Meadows understands the seriousness of prescription medicine addiction. Our innovative treatment options range from detoxification to an intensive, inpatient psychotherapeutic program that addresses the symptoms and underlying causes of addiction.

Our world-renowned addiction program located in Wickenburg, Arizona is tailored for each patients’ unique needs. With our decades-long experience treating addiction and its underlying causes, our expert staff is here to help people overcome their addiction in a safe and nurturing environment.

Whether you or someone you love is entering treatment for the first time, or a relapse occurs, The Meadows is unparalleled in producing successful outcomes for recovery and a proven vanguard for treating trauma and addiction.