Jerry Boriskin: Addiction and complex PTSD

The Meadows, one of America’s leading centers for the treatment of addiction and trauma, is pleased to present a series of videos in which Dr. Jerry Boriskin discusses post-traumatic stress disorder and complex PTSD.

In the third video of his 10-part series, Dr. Boriskin, Senior Fellow at The Meadows, discusses the relationship between addictive disorders and complex PTSD, the most complicated form of post-traumatic stress disorder.

“Simple PTSD runs a simpler pattern,” he explains. “It’s more responsive to simpler, singular treatment.”

“Most of the research data is based on simple PTSD. When we get complex PTSD, it morphs into a multidimensional monster, creating a whole new set of maladaptive responses. And one of the ways survivors try to deal with it is by self-medicating with chemicals.”

While the chemicals create the illusion of fixing the problem, Dr. Boriskin stresses that the relief is only temporary. Ultimately, the price to be paid is very high. He acknowledges that treating both disorders at the same time is often a challenge: “Treat the addictive disorder first, but don’t delay treating the trauma-based disorder. Getting the sequence right is vital.”

Jerry Boriskin, Ph.D, is an author, lecturer, and clinician with expertise in trauma, PTSD, and addictive disorders. An early advocate for the use of extended care, he developed two extended residential treatment programs for co-occurring disorders. He also is the author of several books, including PTSD and Addiction: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Counselors and At Wit’s End: What Families Need to Know When a Loved One is Diagnosed With Addiction and Mental Illness.

Other videos in The Meadows’ series include interviews with leading experts in the mental health field, including John Bradshaw and Maureen Canning. To view, visit
For more about The Meadows’ innovative treatment program for PTSD and other disorders, see or call The Meadows at 800-244-4949.